St Cynoc’s National School
Newsletter (1) – September / October 2020
- It has been a busy few weeks for pupils and staff as we settled back in. The pupils have been great and have adapted very well to the new routine in school. Well done to all. A big welcome to our new infants and new pupils this year. We hope you have many happy years here in St Cynoc’s NS.
- Thank you to all parents for your co-operation with regards to drop off and pick up. It is working well. We ask that you continue to adhere to the drop off and pick up times and drive with care in the car parks to keep all children safe.
- It is crucial that adults wear face masks / coverings when near the school gate or when on the school grounds. Please keep clear of gates to allow children to enter and exit.
- A reminder to return any consent forms for Seesaw. We will communicate with families through Seesaw should our school have to close at any stage due to Covid-19.
- Please make sure to inform the school if your address, phone number or email address has changed as they are required for correspondence purposes. Forms were sent home last week with pupils.
- Tag Rugby has started again for 3rd – 6th class and will run for 6 weeks with Paudge Malone. GAA has started again for 1st – 6th and will run for 6 weeks with Ollie Walsh. Strict guidelines will be adhered to in order to keep all pupils safe.
- Well done and congratulations to all the boys and girls in 3rd class who received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on September 12th.
- We had two winners for the Craftiest Characters Competition run by Tullamore Library. Well done to Saoirse Taylor in 6th class who won 1st prize and to Michael Spollen in 6th class who won 3rd
- Please label all items of clothing to ensure that items that go missing are returned to their rightful owners.
- We ask that going forward all pupils wear a coat to school. It is important that children get plenty of fresh air, especially given the current situation. Children will not be out in very bad weather, but they will be out as often as is possible.
- Thank you to Fr Peter and Fr Michael for our lovely school mass which we watched online today 8th October from our classrooms. It is an important tradition and we are delighted we could still do it this year.
- Please remind children regularly of the importance of good hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette and the importance of maintaining distance between themselves and others. We must all continue to do our part to keep our pupils, families and the school community safe and healthy.